One Little Word July prompt: Awake Soundtrack
Hello July 2012. Hello One Little Word prompt: create a playlist for your life right now.
This is another prompt I have been waiting for. I started in December trying to figure out my word. When I heard the song "Awake My Soul" by Mumford and Sons I knew that Awake was my word. Initially I thought it was Awaken. Ever so slightly different. It just felt right.
Each month I have added a song or two to my playlist. I don't listen to it all the time, but I do quite a bit. I had it on when I did the artsy project from last month. I find it really does refocus and uplift me.
So here's my playlist, my Awake Soundtrack for 2012. It's a fun playlist, full of optimism and encouragement sprinkled with bits of wisdom to keep moving forward but still enjoy the moment. Get moving but take time to rest and savor the life that is going on all around me.
I feel it has made me more aware of the most precious things in my life right now.
I still need to make some changes to really get me word to become truly alive in my life. I know what I need to do but it's still hard. Just do it. Today's the day. Do it now. These words are going around in my head so much.
It's helped with my work, but I still need to get it in gear with my health and fitness. My sisters have been such an inspiration to me. I know I want to change. Change will do you some good. That's my goal for the next six months: continue eating better and add in the moving more. Wake up and walk!
Here is my prompt using nine of the songs and bits of their lyrics that stand out to me. Then I burned a CD and included it in my album along with printing out a playlist and a mosaic of the cover art in iTunes.
This is going in my One Little Word binder along with my Move More Eat Well prompts. I call it my therapy binder.
Have a wonderful July!