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Planning with Pinterest and a Studio Calico contest

Annette Haring

I wanted to share a fun thing with Pinterest. I love using Pinterest for pinning ideas, cool things I see, etc. I had not thought to use it to plan a mini-book or other project until Studio Calico posted their Pin it to Win it contest. Basically you start with one of their products or layouts from the gallery and build a kit around it. Then you can be entered to win a $100 gift card to Studio Calico! So cool! I went with a December Daily kit. It's about this time of year that summer CHA starts and you see the new releases for the holiday season. Plus, I just love that project.

Here is the link for the contest: Studio Calico Pin it to Win it Note: I think you have to like their page on Facebook too. And the contest ends July 26th so get pinning!

Here is a link to my board: My Dream Kit from Studio Calico

What would your dream kit include? I would love to see! 

Have you used Pinterest to plan a mini-book or other project? I would love to see that too!