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It's scrap time in Texas!

Annette Haring

So just a quick update on what I've been up to. Crazy changing of plans and sick kiddo that hit not even two hours into our road trip. So we are doing what we originally had decided to do: lay low and scrap! In other words, I could have time to finish a project or two and Sam to work on his huge paper that is due in August (which our future depends on).

First I picked up my December Daily from 2011--I only had less than 10 days left on it, so why not? It should be easy, right? That was three days ago! Seriously takes longer than I think. I totally admire those that can get these kinds of projects done. Or any project for that matter!

So here are a few glimpse of what I've been working on. I just finished this afternoon and will do a post when I can. Not sure if a video would be better, but then that would be another thing to learn!

Yay!! So now I just need to find some 3 inch binder rings. The two inch are way too small. This thing is a beast! I put the Mister Huey's next to it so you can get an idea of the thickness. Wow! I am so happy it is done but exhausted! Not sure I will do 25 days next year. I am thinking more along the lines of 12 moments or 12 favorite things. This really is cool though and I had fun playing with all the photos and product. Turned out a very eclectic mix. I like it.

You can find a link to my cover here.

So what are you working on now? Any others still trying to finish December Daily or other projects?