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Filtering by Tag: My Can of Crazy


Annette Haring

Working on: A Week in the Life 2011. Really really want to get it done before this year's big event in April. It's a huge project but a good one. If you have no idea what I'm talking about check it out here. The dates are April 23-29.

Procrastinating: Paring down 1,611 photos that I took last year for Week in the Life.

Eating: Shame spoons. A spoonful of peanut butter and chocolate chips. It's a homemade Reese's cup on a spoon. Oh so good, especially with all natural peanut butter and really dark chocolate.

Listening to: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. Breaking Dawn soundtrack. For some reason I can put this song on repeat for like a half hour.

Wishing: That I could be 50 pounds thinner by eating shame spoons. Yeah, I will have to work on that.

Hoping: To have a good weekend. Hoping you do too and that you get lots of scrapping time too!

Have a good weekend! If I get my Week in the Life done and posted, we'll celebrate with shame spoons! Until then here are a few sneak peeks.

Currents inspired by Tina Azmus