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Filtering by Tag: Currently


Annette Haring

hello December | currently edition

avoiding blogging and cleaning up the giant mess that is my desk.

playing with the Project Life App and seeing if it will help me for my Project Life in 2015. 90% sure that's how I'm going…at least for the first half of the year.

planning to finish decorating and cleaning up the boxes as well as my scrap space this weekend.

hoping to find time to work on December Daily. In the meantime, I'm taking photos and a few notes here and there. Mainly trying to capture at least a story each day.

learning to be okay with not keeping up / comparing myself to others. I'm right where I need to be.

embracing the fun that comes with having a four year old at Christmastime. Love her Christmas cheer.

wishing I had time and energy to make more things happen. Things like a cute advent calendar and other things on Pinterest. Ahh. Pinterest. 

celebrating all the little things we have been able to do and are planning to do this season.

cherishing my daughter at this age. Tonight she asked, "mom, do you never want me to grow up?" Of course the right answer is that I will love her at all her ages. And I have and I will. But man, I just adore this age. I just hugged her and said, "I will love you for forever and a day." To which she replied, "I just want to stay a kid so I can wear cute pajamas." Oh girl, you have my heart.

thankful for each day I have with her and thankful for the sweet girl she is.

feeling the need to journal more. Thus, this blog post. Looking to get a notebook to start journaling again. 

hoping to blog more about my recent layouts for Ali's creative team. For now, I'll just share the pics I submitted for my assignments. I also have some video in the works for my foundation pages and December Daily prep I wanted to share. sigh

adoring being able to be on this team and being able to work with Ali's beautiful products. So thankful to be a part of it.

wondering what 2015 will bring. 

remembering the good and the challenging times this year. 

looking forward to changing my One Little Word. It's been a good year with magic but I'm ready to get on with some things in my life. 

listening to my December playlist on repeat and loving it. Also listening for my word and excited about this coming year.

currently I should really try to finish up this list and will probably grab another frozen Peppermint Patty. It's the only way I can eat them but I love them this time of year.

What's on your currently list? Would love to hear.

currently | the welcome back edition

Annette Haring

Hello again!

If you've stuck with me this long, I thank you! It's been a pretty crazy year since February, but hoping that I can get started blogging again. I've been working on projects and sharing on Instagram, just not here on the blog. Unintentional blog-cation I guess. Anyways, I'm still here!

Thanks for sticking with me! :)

so to get me going again: a currently post

date: 6.1.13

location: my crafty space/office/bedroom

eating: going to make breakfast after I post this...probably eggs and turkey sausage. Until then, a Dove dark chocolate + peanut butter will have to do!

drinking: diet coke (noticing a trend here, but also trying to drink more water)

enjoying: sleeping in just a little...stayed up way too late last night watching "27 Dresses" and "Pride and Prejudice." (what can I say, it was a girl's night)

listening: to my Spring 2013 playlist. lots of the Safe Haven soundtrack as well as a little Phillip Phillips, The Lumineers, Fun and Sara Bareilles's "Brave"

wishing: I had a crystal ball to help with upcoming decisions. But like my awesome Dad told me, "If we had a crystal ball, then where would the fun be?"

thinking: I better make this quick. Lots on my to-do list!

making: some videos for an upcoming project. More on that to come.

feeling: trying not to compare myself with others. I am me and I am okay.

loving: loved doing Day in the Life yesterday and sharing on Instagram. The last one I did was Feb 2012. You can see that here. You can check out Ali's Day in the Life series here. She does one every month. I didn't want to attempt it this year with the other projects I have going on, but I really had fun with it yesterday taking photos here and there with my iPhone. Not as in detail as last time, more of a "glimpses of the day" approach. But it was fun to share on Instagram and see what others are up to. Not sure how I will bring it together. Might just use the right hand spread of my "week" in Project Life.

you can check out Tina's currents at Life Love Paper here

better get back to work!