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currently | the welcome back edition

Annette Haring

Hello again!

If you've stuck with me this long, I thank you! It's been a pretty crazy year since February, but hoping that I can get started blogging again. I've been working on projects and sharing on Instagram, just not here on the blog. Unintentional blog-cation I guess. Anyways, I'm still here!

Thanks for sticking with me! :)

so to get me going again: a currently post

date: 6.1.13

location: my crafty space/office/bedroom

eating: going to make breakfast after I post this...probably eggs and turkey sausage. Until then, a Dove dark chocolate + peanut butter will have to do!

drinking: diet coke (noticing a trend here, but also trying to drink more water)

enjoying: sleeping in just a little...stayed up way too late last night watching "27 Dresses" and "Pride and Prejudice." (what can I say, it was a girl's night)

listening: to my Spring 2013 playlist. lots of the Safe Haven soundtrack as well as a little Phillip Phillips, The Lumineers, Fun and Sara Bareilles's "Brave"

wishing: I had a crystal ball to help with upcoming decisions. But like my awesome Dad told me, "If we had a crystal ball, then where would the fun be?"

thinking: I better make this quick. Lots on my to-do list!

making: some videos for an upcoming project. More on that to come.

feeling: trying not to compare myself with others. I am me and I am okay.

loving: loved doing Day in the Life yesterday and sharing on Instagram. The last one I did was Feb 2012. You can see that here. You can check out Ali's Day in the Life series here. She does one every month. I didn't want to attempt it this year with the other projects I have going on, but I really had fun with it yesterday taking photos here and there with my iPhone. Not as in detail as last time, more of a "glimpses of the day" approach. But it was fun to share on Instagram and see what others are up to. Not sure how I will bring it together. Might just use the right hand spread of my "week" in Project Life.

you can check out Tina's currents at Life Love Paper here

better get back to work!