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Phone Photography Project 2 Winner!

Annette Haring

500 sq

And the winner of the seat in the Phone Photography Project 2 at Big Picture Classes is:

ejp71! who said, "I would love to win a seat in the class. I was sad to miss out on it last summer."

Congrats! Email me at and I will get you the information.

Thanks to everyone for entering! Loved reading the comments and hearing how everyone is excited about learning more about phone photography. I am for sure. I picked up an Olloclip and a GorillaPod this week and am having fun playing around with them. I'm excited to learn more as well. Will do an update on those when I have played with them enough to give a review. 

There is still time to register for the class. Click here to get signed up. I also have giveaways for Going Places and Here & There Inspiration coming up soon!

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