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One Little Word Update: June 2012

Annette Haring

Just a quick post to share my June 2012 prompt for One Little Word. This month was about getting messy, having some creative play time with our word. My word is Awake.

I will share more when I have time. I took photos of the details and would love to share more about the process. But for now here's a look at my prompt. I gotta say it's probably my favorite prompt. Even more than the photography ones. Weird, huh? I love photography but find I am too perfectionistic when it comes to choosing the photos.

Maybe I let go more with this and don't stress about it being right or enough. I can just be me.

And I wouldn't call myself an art journaler. I really don't do a lot of stuff like this, but maybe I will do more. I really liked it.

"Awake My Soul" 
One Little Word 2012