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Project Life: A Day in the Life edition: in progress

Annette Haring

Just a quick update to say I'm still here! Been busy but finding bits of time to play. This is a little bit of a project in progress. Working on A Day in the Life. I have found I keep adding product to my stash. It's just a fun time of year with lots of new products being released. Also it seems a lot of new products that work really well with Project Life. Must stop buying and start using!

So for A Day in the Life I just focused on myself. That is the easiest to do. iPhone all the way. I think I will do one for DD and DH later this year. And I might even do a day just focusing on us as a family, like on the weekend. 

I like that Project Life is so adaptable. I am doing a whole spread just about A Day in the Life. I am doing whole spreads (two pages) of Take 12. I have a spread in progress for my DD's birthday. Then other weeks are a "week at a glance" or weekly highlights type layouts. And some are monthly reviews. Just having fun and playing along. Yes, some of these could go in my Library of Memory albums. But I think there is something fun about doing this as a year album. 

Aren't these little blue camera overlays from Hambly just awesome? Have a great week!