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A Day in the Life: This is Me Edition

Annette Haring

A Day in the Life. This is Me Edition. Part of my 2012 Project Life.

Excited to play along with Ali Edwards and lots of others. Capturing a day in the life. I did Week in the Life last summer. Still need to complete that album. Got the inspiration for the Today badge + Hambly overlay from Ali. Also using the cute blue camera overlay is from Hambly. Love that one. The black Today badge below and the ME kraft tag above are from Ormolu.

Am finding lots of places for hidden journaling. Like under the Einstein's sleeve. I used a stamp from Studio Calico's Epic set. "The Rest of the Story" I just love that stamp. Brilliant!

I also am loving all the different products coming out for Project Life. The "Daily Routine" card is from Liz Tamanaha. You can get them here from Oscraps.  The Currents card is from Tina Aszmus. You can find them here. Lots of stamps from Ali Edwards for Technique Tuesday. You can find them here

Fun to focus on my story and my routines. I am looking forward to doing this for my husband and daughter as well later in the year.

Here is the left side page. Had to include the tunes I am jamming to. And my favorite podcasts. The large "A Day in the Life" is from Ali. It's a free download too! Get is here.

Here is the right side. On the bottom row are a few "Tiny Templates" from Cathy Zielske at Designer Digitals. You can find them here. By the way, these rock!

I have also used Ali's template for A Day in the Life to create an 8.5x11 insert. I actually did two of these so they are back to back. Then I added the daily sheet as well.

Here is the full page again so you can see how it all looks together.

And here is a glimpse of the daily sheet that I added inside the insert. Just slid it in between the 8.5x11 photos.

So there it is! I am just adding this to my Project Life, which is just a compilation of whatever I am inspired to do. Not stressing about it, just adding photos and bits of pieces and stories. Having fun. You can check out my approach here.

Updated: Go here for the Rest of the Story.