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Time Warp

Annette Haring

Wow! Today flew by. I felt like a teenager playing around on Itunes, making my One Little Word soundtrack for the year, looking up lyrics, making the CD's and the cards for my album. Fun stuff, but I had to really work hard to focus because I really love music and had a very hard time picking my songs to go with the theme of Focus and the changes I am making in my life. Then since I had so many, I decided to do a two page layout, along with a "B" sides CD. Totally fun, but then the picky perfectionist bug hit and I couldn't handle the second page numbers being again 1-9 since that was what was on the printable pdf. So opening PSE again, I fearlessly figure out how to delete the numbers and then add 10-18. Sounds easy, right? ugh! I think I need to take a photoshop class!

Anyways, I am happy with my new playlists although there are songs I didn't expect. Funny how that works.

So next week: the big week! Gotta make sure my camera is charged and iphones at the ready. I printed the daily list from Ali's site so I am hoping to keep up on all the happenings with that. Here is the link if you want to print them.

Ali's Week in the Life pdf

Here's to a great week!