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Getting Ready for Week in the Life

Annette Haring

I'm getting so excited for next week: I'll be joining a bunch of other online scrapbookers to document "A Week in the Life." Ali Edwards runs the event on her blog. You can find more info here: Ali's Preparations.

You can make your album whatever you want. Some do totally digital, others all paper, some in between in a regular album 8.5x11 or 12x12. And others do mini-books or projects. I think a Blurb book would be cool too. (Where you upload your blog into a book or photobook). For me, I've been waiting for the perfect project to use an old Franklin Covey planner. Tonight I got to use my new Crop a Dile to punch the holes. Totally awesome tool, highly recommend it if you make mini books. And I must say I am so excited about this project. Hopefully I can complete it! I just look at it as a fun way to inspire me to document our everyday life in a new way. And be just a little more grateful for all those little things that make up the everyday.

Join me if you want!