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Mobile Monday | New App Love | Little Moments™

Annette Haring

Just a quick update on this Mobile Monday!

Still planning to share more about tags, PicFrame and Over in tutorials. But I really wanted to share this new app called Little Moments™ by the folks that created Collect and Letterglow (two of my favorite apps) and of course by the blogger Chantelle Ellem, also known as Fat Mum Slim.

She has created the Fat Mum Slim Photo a Day challenges for a while now, and I have tried here and there to play along and keep up. I just never could stay motivated or inspired. And while I still may not be able to keep up, having inspiration from the prompts along with the cuteness of the app may just help spark some creativity in my current photo taking slump.

Currently, the app is iPhone only, and hopefully an Android version will be out soon.

I downloaded the app last week after my friend Chari Pack of Persnickety Prints shared she had created one of the filters in the app. How cool is that? Plus, one of my main problems with participating in a photo a day challenge is that I never remember what the prompts are.

First thing I noticed was that I love the name! Little Moments ™ is just perfect and I love the colors, the clean design and the options for filters, overlays and text right in the app. The prompts are right at your fingertips and you can share with ease to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Then, I suggest adding your photo to Collect or your photo calendar app of choice, to see your photo collection growing. It's great motivation and the reminders help too.

Little Tip: an easy way to add your title in Collect is to copy the text right before you upload to Instagram or other social media sites, then paste that as the title in Collect. (especially if you write more than just the name of the prompt.)

Also, if you tap on the "More" button and then "open in" button, options for other apps will appear and you can add open up Collect from there. If it doesn't work the first time, just go back to the Little Moments™app and try again. For some reason it takes a few tries sometimes.

So there you go! I wanted to share today, as it is the end of June and a new month of prompts begins tomorrow! So play along if you would like to, or just use some prompts to help keep you motivated and finding new creative ways to capture daily life.

Here are some of the photos I took over the past few days that were inspired by the prompts. Probably wouldn't have taken some of these otherwise. These are all photo cards from the app Collect.

Enjoy and have fun capturing all those Little Moments™! Also, if you share and tag your photos #littlemomentsapp you are entered in a cool prize pack including Origrami prints! Check it out here for more details.

Phone Photography Project 2 Winner!

Annette Haring

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And the winner of the seat in the Phone Photography Project 2 at Big Picture Classes is:

ejp71! who said, "I would love to win a seat in the class. I was sad to miss out on it last summer."

Congrats! Email me at and I will get you the information.

Thanks to everyone for entering! Loved reading the comments and hearing how everyone is excited about learning more about phone photography. I am for sure. I picked up an Olloclip and a GorillaPod this week and am having fun playing around with them. I'm excited to learn more as well. Will do an update on those when I have played with them enough to give a review. 

There is still time to register for the class. Click here to get signed up. I also have giveaways for Going Places and Here & There Inspiration coming up soon!

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