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Filtering by Tag: Bucket Lists

Hello Summer

Annette Haring

Last summer I followed along with Ali Edwards and created a Summer Manifesto, or bucket list/fun list; whatever you want to call it. We chose 10 things to focus on making sure we did during the summer, and even though it was a stressful summer schedule-wise, we had a great time enjoying some simple things like peaches and shave ice, and even some big things, like fireworks for the first time.

It was awesome

So when Ali posted her updated title and intentions for creating it again this year, I knew I wanted to do the same approach. I had already been thinking about our list, and in fact, have already completed a few! I debated on doing a mini album, and I still might. But I think the plan will be to just include it in my Project Life using Becky Higgins Design E page protectors (it's a 12x12 page protector with four 6x6 pockets.) I really loved mine from last year and am excited about this years.

You can get Ali's updated title here.
You can check out my 2012 Summer Manifesto/Bucket List here.

Our list this year (so far, we might change one or two):
  1. Go to the beach
  2. Build a campfire. Eat hot dogs and s'mores
  3. Fireworks
  4. Go stargazing (or possibly do a picnic + cloud-gazing...might make more sense with a kid.)
  5. Go to Schlitterbahn or at least go swimming.
  6. Eat at Amy's ice cream
  7. Road Trip
  8. Summer photoshoot 
  9. Eat tomatoes and basil from the farmer's market
  10. Go blueberry picking

As with all my planned activities, I definitely try to go with the flow and just be happy to be together and savoring this time. However, having a few things on our list really helps us to live with intention, and I love that.

Join me if you would like to! 

December Daily 2012 | Days One & Two

Annette Haring

Hello December!

We started December 1st with everything from breakfast tacos, a Christmas Parade and Stroll (downtown street celebration), being with friends and meeting Santa! It was her first time meeting Santa and she did great. I was so proud of her. A little shy, but she gave him high fives and hook 'em horns. And she remembered to ask for what she wanted with a small cue. (she wants a sheep and something pink--have I mentioned how much I love this girl?) 

Last night we came home to meet our Elf on the Shelf. She quickly named her Cookie. Maybe we were all hungry, but I love it. She loves her Cookie the Elf and we found her this morning eating little Christmas cookies! So cute.

Not surprising, we all needed a lot of rest today. And I got some pages done during her nap.

Here's a look at my day one. Hard to choose just one story, so I decided to highlight the photo of meeting Santa and write down our bucket list, since we accomplished two of them and got started on three others! I traced some cookie cutters I have to make the stars. I'm thinking I'll try something like this inside the cover of my bucket list album. I also did a light spray of Mister Huey's Shine and the silver pen is a little bit glittery which is fun.

December 1: Hello Santa!
Excited to meet Santa and start of our bucket list.

Day 2: Just a little bit of magic. Wanted to highlight little Cookie the Elf. I started with the hearts and then added a few stars and a bit more. A little messy but I don't want the pressure for this journal to be perfect. Just having fun and adding a little magic here and there. (love that Kelly Purkey stamp too)

December 2: December Magic
Excited to find Cookie the Elf eating cookies

Also got a chance to work on a little bit of my Project Life for December. I had already printed these journal cards from Ali Edwards and added them in a Design F page protector from Becky Higgins. I just added the photos and journaling, along with the title, which is a download from Ali Edwards in the 25 Days class at Studio Calico. I recolored it red and printed it on vellum. Also added the mini stars with a little glue dot on the back. I may add some tiny confetti stars too when I finally dare to try my new sewing machine! (printing on vellum or transparencies is a fun way to add a see-through element, especially if you don't have a die-cut machine)

I'm kind of liking the Design F lately. I'm thinking of using it more in 2013. We'll see. For December I think I'll end up with a Design A on the left of this, then there are three Design F pages, and another Design A. I've already started a Design G as an insert about yesterday's adventures.

December Daily in Project Life using Ali Edwards journal cards

Finally, I wanted to share a peek of my other project, the bucket list mini album in a 6x8 Studio Calico Handbook. I'm doing 12 things here, and probably Christmas Eve and Day. Really loving Liz Tamanaha's templates (Paislee Press). I'm using a mix of hers and Ali's 6x8 templates from this year, as well as various journal cards, etc. Hope to do a post about it soon.

It's awesome to see everyone's pages and albums and I'm excited to be able to share a bit today. Thanks so much for stopping by!