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Filtering by Tag: 10 things

10 things that make me happy

Annette Haring

Last night I was on a roll. Finally got some time to download a few items I wanted on Designer Digitals when I saw Cathy Zielske has a template out--her 100th! And it is called 100 things. Love love love Cathy's designs and you know what, I need this. We've been very stressed out and what better way to deal with stress than list the things that bring you happiness, love, joy, all that good stuff.

Okay, so instead of letting that template sit on my hard drive and collect cyber dust, I need to get started. 

Drumroll please.
  1. My family. 
  2. Naptimes that actually work.
  3. Cold fountain Diet Coke on snowman poo ice.
  4. Laughter. 
  5. My daughter feeding me cereal and squealing with laughter. Looking her in the eyes and laughing right back. Cherishing simple moments like that.
  6. Playing around with photos, words and paper. Capturing moments and emotions. Taking note of the little things.
  7. Learning. I love learning new things and love it when the results start to match the vision I had in the first place.
  8. The mountains. I really love the cool breezes of mountain air, the views, the sound of the quaking aspen leaves blowing in the wind. I love waking up and going for a hike. I think a trip to the mountains is calling me.
  9. Whole wheat pancakes with peanut butter and real maple syrup on top. And it has to be warm!
  10. The cool side of the pillow over my eyes at night. Taking time to rest.

Laughter. I love this. Blurry photo and all.

Cherishing moments with my girlie. Two binkies and all.

10 things is found on Shimelle's blog. People from all over share 10 things on the 10th of each month. Any 10 things. It's pretty cool what people share. I try to post when I can. Check it out here

10 Things: November Edition. Vintage Inspiration List

Annette Haring

This past spring I took Jenni Bowlin's class at Big Picture Classes, and it opened up a whole new world for me. Gotta say I loved it. I was always a little intimidated by going into antique shops, but after this class it is one of my favorite things to do when I have a little play time. One of the things she suggested was to make a top 10 list of things that inspire us. I am not sure I shared mine in class, so this is what I have so far.

1. Old typewriters and typography.

2. Letters and numbers.

3. Storage containers of all kinds: my favorite are vintage locker baskets and egg baskets.

4. Flower frogs: love having these around to hold up photos, invitations, cards, etc.

5. Wooden boxes, especially tool boxes. See number three.

6. Cute little salt and pepper shakers. Awesome storage for glass glitter. Which was something I never thought I would use until this class and now I love it. And they look so cute on my shelf. Also in the glass category would have to be old Ball jars. I have a green one I just love. It has my "stories of the year" project in it (from Pinterest)

7. Chalkboards. Maybe it's because we had a giant chalkboard in our attic where I would play "teacher" for hours as a kid. I just love chalkboards. Here I am using a vintage chalkboard as an inspiration board.

8. Vintage cookie cutters, pie tart tins, little jello molds, muffin tins. I think it is all the silver. I have always loved silver, but that's another story. And I think it is because I love food. I store embellishments in these and also use them for "beyond the page" projects, like these pie tart tin refrigerator magnets.

9. Old postcards and photos. Especially when they are pictures of my Grandma laughing as she fell down with roller skates on. That is one of my all time favorites. See inspiration board above. I like using the postcards in my minibooks. I found a bunch at an estate sale and have had fun using them.

10. Office and school supplies, yardsticks and vintage cameras. And whatever else jumps out at me that day!

Looking back I would never have thought of using these a year ago. I love how as we learn things our styles can evolve. I wouldn't say I'm totally vintage. Definitely a mix of modern + vintage items. Still love my IKEA and where would I be without the Container Store?

What are some of your favorite vintage items to use either as storage or in your scrapbooking?

For more 10 things on the 10th check out