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15 on the 15th in 2015 | February Edition

Annette Haring

So I realize this post is actually happening in May. Yes, I'm a bit behind the curve. But if you have followed my posts on Instagram you may have seen I am tackling a personal project this year called 15 on the 15th in 2015. I also consider this to be my Day in the Life™ project each month.

The last time I participated in a project like this (as in a project for the whole year, besides project life) was in 2012. Ella Publishing (miss them!) ran a project called Take 12. And I kept up okay. Maybe finished about 1/3 of the project. For me, that's pretty good!

I've seen other folks that do similar projects:
  •  Tracy Larsen: click here for her 15 on the 15th template. click here for her layouts.
  • Ali Edwards: Day in the Life™ project: click here for more info. Also click here for info on when she is doing next (as of this post): which is May 12th.
  • lots of other memory keepers do similar projects or just pick a random day each month for day in the life. Great example here from Megan Anderson.
So here's my plan:

Take at least fifteen photos on the 15th of each month and create a two page layout using the Project Life™ App and Letterglow. Print these out with Persnickety Prints and call it good!

For the left side I am using Design Q in the app. I also created a title card using Ali Edwards digital brush set and my tittle in Letterglow.

For the right side I am using Design V in the Project Life™app. I also used digital cards from Love | Day | Seed. These are from the Calendar Collection.Two of them simply added right to the app from Dropbox. Another one I added to Letterglow to add the journaling. 

I've been experimenting with different layout options since it is so easy to do with the app. One of the challenges for me with project life is to keep it fresh but still keep it do-able. I had found a process that worked fairly well for me using primarily Design F pages for the past several years. And while I am considering going back to that, it has been fun to play around with other layout options without worrying about having to print the photos to that size. More on that when I start sharing more of my app layouts.

Anyways, I hope you will join me for 15 on the 15th! Even if you can't get them on the actual day, maybe try 15 photos each month for 2015! It's still a fun collection of photos and these are so cool to me to see since we are no longer in that space.

You can also join in with Ali Edwards for her Day in the Life™ which she is doing next on May 12th.