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And the winner of the Ali Edwards Week in the Life Stamp is...

Annette Haring

And the winner of the Ali Edwards Week in the Life Stamp is…

Croppinak "Loved your video! and am impressed with your prep for WITL. I started on it today, but don't have the kit. I would love to win the stamp set. Thanks for the giveaway!"

Please email me: and I will get it in the mail!

Hope you all had a wonderful Week in the Life! I've been slowly working on mine. My class at Big Picture Classes started this week and other things have made it a very busy week. Hope to find time to get more done. Have been sharing a few of my images on Ali's Week in the Life™ community as well which has been helpful.

Thanks again for the great feedback! I got a lot of practice doing videos for my class and am excited to keep learning more.

Thanks again!