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Giveaways! Project Life Lessons and Tracy Larsen Week and Month in Review Templates!

Annette Haring

Project Life Lessons is returning this week! Just wanted to share my last seat to give away with my very patient and wonderful blog readers. Thank you for hanging in there with me. I know I'm not the most regular, but I do hope that I share content that you find inspiring.

Would love to have you join us in our workshop at Big Picture Classes! This is the second time around, so not much new content if you have joined us before (there is an alumni code if you are interested in taking it again with a big discount.) Primarily the same content, with additional 2014 updates to our process and videos about our process this year.

I've also been able to persuade the very talented Tracy Larsen to share with us her Week in Review template that I'm using this year, and I made a process video about using that template in Photoshop Elements. I geared it towards those who are new to digital, and I hope in our next version of the class there will be more digital content. Be sure to thank Tracy and there will be a discount code in the class for her other templates. (note that in the class is just the one template design that I'm using in both 3x4 and 4x6 and will be in the week 2 content.)

And…I have a full set of her newest version to give away!!! Exciting, right?! I know, I adore her templates and one lucky winner will get a set of the month and week in review templates (both 4x6 and 3x4 version!) How cool is that?! I adore these and am so excited to be able to share them with you!

And I also want to give a nice thank you to the two inspiring women I get to work with for the class. Both are simply amazing. Wondeful Project Lifers. Wonderful people. So thrilled to be teaching with them.

A little more about the class:

Expert photo tips, journaling solutions, and organizing ideas for Project Life scrapbookers workshop taught by Elise Blaha Cripe, Annette Haring (that's me!), and Megan Anderson

Starts 4/17/2014 $45

Class Description
Set yourself up for memory-keeping success in Project Life Lessons! Three experts have teamed up to share tons of insider secrets for making the most of any Project Life project. Packed with videos, downloads, handouts, and beautiful layout examples, Project Life Lessons includes three times the content you'd find in a typical 3-week workshop.

Three experienced Project Lifers to the rescue! Elise Blaha Cripe, Annette Haring, and Megan Anderson and will share their tried-and-true tips in the areas of photo management, storytelling, organization, assembly, and more. Whether your approach involves weekly spreads, monthly highlights, or something more custom, you can establish an effective working process that will help you make your albums a better reflection of who you really are and what matters most to you.

Read rest of description here.

And if you haven't watched the promo video, here it is! Makes me want to make something!


Okay, so all you have to do to enter is leave a comment! I'll keep it open until Thursday night 4-17-14 at 8 pm central. Be sure to leave an email so I can contact you if you win! I will choose two randomly selected winners, one for the Project Life Lessons class and the other for Tracy's template package.

Thanks for all your continued support and encouragement! And if you are on Instagram, I'm guest posting for Big Picture Classes on Instagram this week! See you there!

Also, if you are having trouble leaving a comment, email me at and I'll add you to the giveaway list. 

***Giveaway is now closed! Thanks to all who entered! I've locked the comments and hidden them to keep your emails private. Thanks so much!!