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Hello Project Life 2013 | Title Page

Annette Haring

Hi everyone! It's me again! Sorry for the long break. Blame the road trip, getting back to work and just needing to be creating.

I returned from our trip with the need to start fresh. So I did.

I cleared off all my December Daily and other December projects. They now are in a big bag beside my table. I'll get to them eventually. And that's okay.

For now I really wanted to get started on Project Life. If you are unfamiliar with it, watch the video here to understand more.

I've tried three different times to document our year-- 2009, 2011 and 2012. Haven't completed a single album. But, I set them up in a monthly approach to tackle when I have time (at least 2011 and 2012 are).

So this year I decided to try something new. Weekly. Yes, weekly. But still in a monthly kind of way. I know it sounds crazy but I love having my albums divided by month. And within that month are my "weekly" spreads. Some weeks may be four days, some may be more than seven days with this system. Yeah, that took some time for the obsessive in me to get over. I have to remind myself "it's okay" and that this project can be anything you want it to be. No rules, just living life and capturing/recording it along the way.

It's kind of in the experimental stages right now, which is why I haven't shared as of yet.

Still, I'm loving it so far and I wanted to share my title page. I also want to encourage you to pick up some page protectors, a kit if you like and just go for it. The nice thing about this system is you can easily change it! :)

So here's my title page. Using the Seafoam kit, along with some Paislee Press cards and a free download from Cathy Zielske. Badge is from Ormolu, wood veneer from Studio Calico.

I'll be back soon to share January pages, process and products I'm using, etc. In the meantime I am posting my pages on Instagram. You can follow it here.