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Week in the Life 2011: My Completed Project

Annette Haring

I finally finished my 2011 Week in the Life project! It was July 25th-31st. Finished just in time for this year's project: April 23rd-29th. I hope to post more details soon, but wanted to celebrate the fact that for one thing, I actually finished a project, and second, I love love love it! Seriously. I think sometimes it just takes finding the right products to create what you have in mind. I loved using the mini circle transparency + Ormolu days of the week badges (idea from Ali Edwards). I also resized these templates from Ali Edwards at Designer Digitals to fit the smaller binder. Speaking of binders, I absolutely adore the mini binder from Martha Stewart (you can get it at Staples). Also the silver bookplate comes separately. It is the silver vertical 1 1/16 x 2 1/8. You can find it here. Now to go rest up for next week!

Week in the Life 2011, my set on Flickr.

Updated: I thought it would be easier to see the photos enlarged too, so I'm adding the layouts here as well as the Flickr set.

Title pages








Closing and extra pages


To find out more about Week in the Life, a project by Ali Edwards, click here. For more information about the binder and my process click here.