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Project Life: January 2012 Part 1

Annette Haring

Love doing Project Life in a monthly format. I am using the monthly badges from Marcy Penner to title each month, then I just add what inspires me each month. For this spread, I used it to capture some of the earlier part of January. 

Here is the two page spread. 

Left side: you can see the Marcy Penner badge. Really love those. Hopefully she will be able to restock soon. I am really wanting the weekday badges but they were already sold out. One thing I am learning about finding goodies online is you gotta be fast! Just like Bananafishstudio goodies. Those go very fast but I think she is going to be restocking more frequently. In any case, you can still get digital cards, etc from both, like the second card in the middle row is a digital card from Bananafishstudio.

Here is the right side. More Paislee Press cards (the story). Also some Smashtape and other washi tape. More Martha Stewart labels from Staples. Also I am loving using the Jenni Bowlin Fiskars mini tab punch. For an office product loving geek it is the equivalent to the way some people use butterfly punches. I could use it on just about every layout and be totally happy. (I also bought the Jenni Bowlin butterfly punch and love it too! ) More office supplies with the metal circle tab. Seriously, if you get bored with Hobby Lobby just run next door to Staples and you will be so happy!

A few close ups: I love using Ali Edwards stamps and also digital stamps/brushes. Used both in this shot. And yes, I am using these on every page too! I am a Studio AE member and absolutely love it. And I have quite a bit of the digital products as well. Just an overall huge fan of Ali. I love that she can make a random picture of my daughter watching Cars suddenly look cool. Oh and another tip: if you just run out of things to put in the pockets, look to your patterned paper stash or some memorabilia. I think it helps the eye rest to have some patterned paper in there. You can also order patterned paper to match the Project Life kit you may be using. This is the kit I am using: Clementine.

Here's a close up of that mini tab punch from Jenni Bowlin / Fiskars. Use it on scraps of chevron paper for just the perfect touch.

Here is the digital card from Bananafishstudio. It's a png file, she even has a video of how to use it on her blog. Check it out here

So there we go. Even though it is March and I am finally posting January, it's all good. Because "Raarr!" 2012 here we come! See, it's never too late to start and it's always okay to scrap out of order! Do what inspires you and what works for you! And a little behind the scenes: I am working on a bunch of the spreads all the time, but I really like to sit down and finish a spread once in a while! Feels great!

Project Life by Becky Higgins is a set of cool divided page protectors, kits and more to help capture our photos and stories in an easy to use format. It can be whatever you want it to be. Check out her site to learn more. I also recommend checking out the Design Team. They totally rock. And also there is a free Project Life Community at Big Picture Classes.