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Giveaway! Photo Connections by Maggie Holmes at Big Picture Classes

Annette Haring

I'm very excited to share a giveaway with you for a photography class that looks amazing! I always try to capture emotion and personality with my photography. That may not always happen, so I'm really looking forward to learning some new tips from professional photographer Maggie Holmes.

The class is called Photo Connections and it starts next week on 5-29-14. I'm going to open the giveaway today and end it Monday night 5-26-14. 

Here is the information for the class:

Capturing the True Essence of People and Relationships Through Photographs

Class begins 5/29/2014 | cost is $59.00

About the Class
There are plenty of online classes that will teach you to take well-composed photographs that are properly focused and correctly lit. It's much more rare to find an eCourse that helps you capture magical pictures—those that leave a lasting impression on your heart. 

Introducing Photo Connections! In this 4-week guided workshop, Maggie Holmes will unveil her best-kept secrets for bringing photographs to life. You'll learn for yourself that the difference between a good photo and an unforgettable one is how it makes you feel.
  • Secret 1: How to take group shots that capture the true essence of a relationship
  • Secret 2: How to snap portraits that are brimming with personality and authenticity
  • Secret 3: How to create visual connections through the rules of composition
  • Secret 4: How to connect to the stories behind your favorite photographs

Learn more and register here 

A preview of photos from Maggie Holmes. Very excited to learn these tips!

And here's the video introduction:

To enter just leave a comment below! You can also enter by leaving a comment on the photo on my Instagram feed. (I think you have to have an Instagram account.) 

Giveaway will close Monday evening 5-26-14. 

Again, you can sign up for the class here. Hope to see you in class! 

giveaway is now closed. thank you!


Annette Haring

And the winners are...Shelly Jacquet has won a seat to class and Amelia Ng has won the Tracy Larsen template pack!! 

Congrats ladies!! 

And thank you all for entering and being excited about all things Project Life®! 

Class started today but there is still time to enter. You can find out more here.

And be sure to check out Tracy's templates. They are simply white and simply gorgeous. Love how they add breathing room to my spreads and even if I embellish it still feels balanced. You can find more about those here.

And to find out more about Becky Higgins and the Project Life® system, click here.

Thanks again for your support!