30 Lists: September 2012
Last spring I noticed several people posting pictures of lists. They called it 30 Lists. It intrigued me. Simple concept and sounds like fun for the journal/notebook/pen hoarder that I am.
Recently I discovered the girls that started it are running it again in September! It's only $8 and what a fun idea for a minibook. You sign up and get all the prompts, a message board, printables, etc. You can either choose to wait to see the email each day with the prompt starting Sept 1, or you can get a pdf with all the lists on it.
Since I had a little time this weekend I decided to get started. I think I need a little project like this right now. Not that I need another project to feel behind on, but I do think when a project sparks your creativity it can be a good idea to follow it.
So here's my notebook: a simple Moleskine grid journal I found at Barnes and Noble. You get three in a package, so if you mess up on the first there is always another! As I was checking out the class I found my Instagram friend's Esty shop and she sells the most adorable handstitched versions of these. Check out Elizabeth's shop here.
I used the THIRTY DAYS OF LISTS from one of the handouts for the class, then added SEPTEMBER 2012 in Photoshop Elements. I had to do each one individually and then work them together. A little bit tricky but I think I needed the creative challenge. I added a vellum envelope and glued the flap to the first page and added the doily inside the envelope with a handwritten title on it. Added some washi tape, labels, stamps and cute little wood veneers from Studio Calico.
My first idea was to just write in it each day. But then the crafty and visual side took over and I am going to be doing a list + a photo each day. I know! crazy! But it's really fun, I'm doing a "Polaroid" for each prompt and don't tell but I'm already starting on the photos I can now.
I'm using an app on my iMac called Instant. I have so much fun with this app, but had not used it recently. So I thought this would be the perfect project!
Plan is to have the photo on the left hand side and then the prompt on the right hand side of each 2 page spread. I even made extra "bonus" lists because there are extra pages in the notebook (you could always remove those too).
Here's the link for the class! It really does sound like fun!
Products used: note: Amazon affiliate links where possible.